Online meeting place for transgender people and their loved ones




HBTQI+ / Website / Worpress / SWISH-integration / Workshops / User research / Graphic Design /

Transammans works nationwide to influence, support, and educate. Through local associations, they offer safe meeting places for both transgender individuals and their loved ones.

Transammans is a strong voice in the public debate and an important driving force for creating better living conditions for transgender individuals of all ages, as well as for people with questions about their gender identity.

Website where the target audience feels at home

It is important for Transammans’ website to make visitors and members feel a sense of belonging. To convey that this is their organization where they will be heard. This approach sets the foundation for all communication, from information structure to design and language on the web.

WordPress with My Pages & Fundraising function with SWISH

The website is built in WordPress to be easy and smooth to administer. We have developed special features for “My pages” where members can log in and access additional information about activities and other things, as well as a fundraising function with integration to SWISH.